Yes – that is true we recieved a prize!
At the General Assembly of the IEEE Austria Section in the “Technikum Wien” on the 24th of October it happened.
The Austria section awarded their most active Student Branch. From the five existing branches in Graz, Klagenfurt, Linz, Vienna and Wels the one with the most participants at all the activities should get the price.
Activites in Graz, Vienna and Wels are minor while in IEEE students in Klagenfurt and Linz are really acitve and both submitted a comprehensive list of activities to the comity.
The comity managed to find a sollution for the related hard desicion problem: The student branches of AAU Klagenfurt and JKU Linz are both awarded the “Most active Student Branch” of the Austria Section and the prize got splitted.
Congratulation to all the SB members, especially the executives!
Thanks a lot for all the organizers and contributers of the events in the past year.
And thanks a lot for all participants of the SB activities.
We hope to see you soon at our upcoming activites. And we wish that the award gives further motivation for all of us to contribute to the SB programm even if we can not expect a Student Branch award next year.