JuFu is a local design company. It has been funded in 1997 by Jürgen Christian Fugger.
Please visit the JuFu webpage for more information:
These are our partners
JuFu is a local design company. It has been funded in 1997 by Jürgen Christian Fugger.
Please visit the JuFu webpage for more information:
Die Österreichische Hochschülerinnen- und Hochschülerschaft (ÖH) ist die gesetzliche Interessensvertretung aller Studierenden, die gesetzlich verankerte Mitbestimmungsrechte an den Universitäten hat. Jede und jeder Studierende ist mit der Zulassung und der damit verbundenen Entrichtung des Mitgliedsbeitrages (derzeit € 18,-) Mitglied der ÖH.
Unsere Hauptaufgabe ist die Vertretung der studentischen Interessen gegenüber den Lehrenden und der Öffentlichkeit sowie Information und Service für Studierende. Wir engagieren uns aber auch in allgemeinpolitisch relevanten Bereichen, was in unseren Referaten Ausdruck findet. Um die Interessen der Studierenden bestmöglich vertreten zu können, gliedert sich die ÖH in insgesamt drei Ebenen: Bundesvertretung, Universitätsvertretung und Studienvertretung. Im Rahmen der studentischen Selbstbestimmung entscheiden die Studierenden selbst, welche Kolleginnen und Kollegen die Vertretung ihrer Interessen wahrnehmen sollen. Bei den ÖH Wahlen werden alle zwei Jahre die Mandatarinnen und Mandatare von allen Studierenden neu gewählt.
The “Förderverein Technische Fakultätat”, short FTF, is an association at the university Klagenfurt. It aims at supporting the technical faculty with their tasks in teaching and research. Furthermore it aids their members and the students of the technical faculty as well as the graduates with their work. Another major goal is intensivating the exchange of experience and insight between research and industry.
Please visit the FTF webpage for more information:
bitmovin enables high quality streaming over the web, guaranteeing smooth streaming without buffering, lowest startup delay and achieving HD, 4k and beyond.
Please visit the bitmovin webpage for more information:
JOANNEUM RESEARCH utilizes ROBOTICS to address the current needs of the economy for applied research on technologies that interface between the digital and the real world.
The main areas of expertise in the institute focus primarily on human-robot collaboration and interactions that occur in innovative production processes, as well as the subject of robot safety. In addition, work is conducted on the topics of mobile robots in the areas of industrial manufacturing, logistics and service robots.
Please visit the Joanneum Robotics webpage for more information:
Lakeside Labs is a cluster for science and innovation in the area of information and communication technology, focusing on self-organizing networked systems. It offers space for creative ideas in an international environment that promotes scientific excellence and mutual appreciation.
About 40 people from various disciplines are funded by Lakeside Labs. The cluster is lead and managed by the nonprofit company Lakeside Labs GmbH. Research activities are performed at the University of Klagenfurt and Lakeside Labs GmbH, partly in cooperation with academic and industrial partners.
Please visit the Lakeside Labs webpage for more information:
IEEE is the world’s largest professional association dedicated to advancing technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity. IEEE and its members inspire a global community through IEEE’s highly cited publications, conferences, technology standards, and professional and educational activities.
Please visit the IEEE webpage for more information:
The Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt has been futureoriented and dynamic from the day it was founded. Today it is Carinthia’s leading educational and research institution. It opens its doors to the whole world and thrives on interculturality and people whose minds know no frontiers.
In contrast to the mass universities, the structure and the manageable scale of the university have positive effects in many respects: on research and its organisation, on teaching operations and on internal administration. These benefits are compounded by the specific character of a genuine campus university. This compact structure is of considerable advantage for the organisation of student life (lecture halls, library, refectory, student dorm etc) and for cross-disciplinary research activities.
Please visit the AAU webpage for more information: