Advent Programming Challenge 2014


An Advent calendar is a special calendar used to count or celebrate the days in anticipation of Christmas. Advent calendars typically begin on December 1 and provide a window to open until December 24. Usually they have windows, which you can open each day containing some chocolate or other stuff. But what is better to kill some time until Christmas, Hanukkah, Yule, Kwanzaa, Diwali, Boxing Day, etc. than an Advent calendar giving you a programming problem every day?

The Advent Programming Contest, being organized by the IEEE Student Branch Klagenfurt will provide a new problem every day from December 1st to December 24th. You can submit solutions any day until the contest ends on December 26. You can choose to use C, C++, Java, Python or Perl as programming language. The programming tasks can be solved with short
programs (typically less than 100 lines of code). Until a solution is correct you can submit your program as often as you want (but please don’t spam our server). The number of tries will not be a criterion for determining your score. The idea is to do it just for fun, but we will try to announce a winner after the contest is closed. The event is open to everyone. There are separate categories for pupils, university students and others. If you want to participate, please register at (Registration will be still possible after 1st December).

Advent Programming Challenge 2014


An Advent calendar is a special calendar used to count or celebrate the days in anticipation of Christmas. Advent calendars typically begin on December 1 and provide a window to open until December 24. Usually they have windows, which you can open each day containing some chocolate or other stuff. But what is better to kill some time until Christmas, Hanukkah, Yule, Kwanzaa, Diwali, Boxing Day, etc. than an Advent calendar giving you a programming problem every day?

The Advent Programming Contest, being organized by the IEEE Student Branch Klagenfurt will provide a new problem every day from December 1st to December 24th. You can submit solutions any day until the contest ends on December 26. You can choose to use C, C++, Java, Python or Perl as programming language. The programming tasks can be solved with short
programs (typically less than 100 lines of code). Until a solution is correct you can submit your program as often as you want (but please don’t spam our server). The number of tries will not be a criterion for determining your score. The idea is to do it just for fun, but we will try to announce a winner after the contest is closed. The event is open to everyone. There are separate categories for pupils, university students and others. If you want to participate, please register at (Registration will be still possible after 1st December).

IEEEXtreme 2014

[button type=”download” target=”_blank” state=”enabled” link=”images/articles/ieeextreme/ieeextreme2014.pdf” icon=”download”]Download tasks (pdf)[/button]

Results of the teams at AAU
Rank Name Region Rank Country Rank University Rank
54 ParanoideRasselbande 20 2 1
65 0xbad 26 3 2
108 TrustEYE 46 5 3
130 Rehkidz 58 6 4
344 BugsBusters 145 10 5


Sign in for IEEEXtreme Programming Challenge!

Here you can find anything you need to participate at the IEEEXtreme Programming Competition.

The organizers run a Facebook page which you can find under

This is the official website, where you also can find the registration link

If you are registered please send us a mail so we can contact you about further organisational issues.

For any other questions and or required help contact us as well. That could be finding a team mate, a proctor or anything else.

We will hold an organizational meeting in the week between 6th and 9th of October. We further plan a preperational talk on the Wednesday before the competition.


IEEEXtreme 2013

[button type=”download” target=”_blank” state=”enabled” link=”images/articles/ieeextreme/ieeextreme2013a.pdf” icon=”download”]Download tasks (pdf, part1)[/button]

[button type=”download” target=”_blank” state=”enabled” link=”images/articles/ieeextreme/ieeextreme2013b.pdf” icon=”download”]Download tasks (pdf, part2)[/button]

Results of the teams at AAU
Rank Name Region Rank Country Rank University Rank
29 ParanoideRasselbande 12 1 1
68 TrustEYE 22 2 2
152 AreTestCasesCorrect 60 6 3
515 printlnIsMyDebugger 182 7 4
534 JulesVernes 186 8 5


Create Inspiring Talks

This time we promote a talk that fits nicely into the scientific series even though it is not organized by us.
Not matter how interesting it is what you are talking about just by the way you present it you can easily ruin your success.

Create Inspiring Talks
by Martina Umlauft

Mittwoch, 24.Sept. 15:00

Lakeside Labs
Lakeside Park B04b/1.St

Do you hate the feeling that the audience seems bored when you give a talk – even though you followed all the “rules” out there on how to give a good talk and prepare good slides? Do you realize that, depending on the situation, some of those rules can actually do more harm than good if you blindly follow them?

This talk will give you advice on how to improve what you’re already doing. We will focus on talk preparation from an audience- and situation-based perspective and re-evaluate the most common rules for the setting of a conference talk.

You will:
-) learn about the cognitive and visual capabilities of your audience and the implications that follow for preparing your talk and slides,
-) get tips on how to improve your confidence and ease nervousness with body posture and breathing exercises
-) receive some general advice that is applicable to non-conference talks

This talk is for:
-) anybody who wants to improve their talks
-) young researchers who do not yet have a lot of speaking experience
-) advisors and designers of slide templates


Create Inspiring Talks

This time we promote a talk that fits nicely into the scientific series even though it is not organized by us.
Not matter how interesting it is what you are talking about just by the way you present it you can easily ruin your success.

Create Inspiring Talks
by Martina Umlauf

Mittwoch, 24.Sept. 15:00

Lakeside Labs
Lakeside Park B04b/1.St

Do you hate the feeling that the audience seems bored when you give a talk – even though you followed all the “rules” out there on how to give a good talk and prepare good slides? Do you realize that, depending on the situation, some of those rules can actually do more harm than good if you blindly follow them?

This talk will give you advice on how to improve what you’re already doing. We will focus on talk preparation from an audience- and situation-based perspective and re-evaluate the most common rules for the setting of a conference talk.

You will:
-) learn about the cognitive and visual capabilities of your audience and the implications that follow for preparing your talk and slides,
-) get tips on how to improve your confidence and ease nervousness with body posture and breathing exercises
-) receive some general advice that is applicable to non-conference talks

This talk is for:
-) anybody who wants to improve their talks
-) young researchers who do not yet have a lot of speaking experience
-) advisors and designers of slide templates


IEEE Student Paper Contest 2014

As a part of IEEE Student Branches Region 8, IEEE Student Branch Klagenfurt cordially invites you to participate in the region wide IEEE student paper contest of 2014.  SPC is a paper contest for IEEE student or graduate student members who have not yet started their PhD, but have most likely already encountered some research topics or done Bachelor’s or Master’s thesis.

This year, we will have two rounds of evaluation. In the first round, all the paper submitted to IEEE student branch Klagenfurt will be reviewed locally by a team of professionals, professors and postdocs. There could be as many submissions as possible. Then, as per the decision of the first round,  the finalist will be invited and financially supported to present his/her paper at IEEE R8 EUROCON 2015 Conference, September 2015, Salamanca, Spain. The top three contesters within Klagenfurt will get acknowledgement prizes at IEEE Christmas Party at the end of this year.

General Information

IEEE Region 8 Student Paper Contest is for IEEE R8 student members or graduate student members who have not yet started their PhD. Professors-mentors and other associates cannot be SPC authors (but their names could be acknowledged in the FINAL versions of the papers). Each student author must be a member of an IEEE Student Branch at the time of the original submission of the paper to the Branch Contest, and a member (student or not) of the IEEE at the time of the R8 Oral Finals presentation. The work presented has to be completed before the student receives the engineering degree that entitles her/him to start preparing a doctoral thesis. The submission of the paper to the Region 8 SPC must be completed within 12 months after graduation. A doctoral thesis is not considered. Published work is excluded from the Contest.

Character of the Paper

Papers should cover technical and engineering aspects of a subject reasonably within or related to the areas with which the IEEE is concerned with. The work need not be original in engineering or scientific content, but should be original in treatment and concise in coverage of the author’s contribution to the subject.

Document Layout

The paper must be typewritten on A4 size paper (210 mm × 297 mm), with the text width equal to 183 mm and the text height equal to 243.5 mm; a font size of 10 pt or larger should be used. The two-column IEEE Transactions style (with the space between columns equal to 4.1 mm) is required. The paper should not exceed six (6) pages. Over length papers will not be considered for the contest!

Deadline and Additional Information

The deadline to send full papers to IEEE Student Branch Klagenfurt is October 31, 2014.

Deadline has been extended till November 15, 2014.

Certificates along with prize money will be awarded to the shortlisted candidates on Christmas Party


IEEE Region 8 Student and Young Professional Congress

From the 6th to the 10th of August three members of the IEEE student branch Klagenfurt participated at the IEEE Region 8 Student and Young Professional Congress. The congress was hosted by the AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow which is the largest technical university in Poland educating more than 35 thousand students. This bi-annual event brings together not only representatives of student branches but also young IEEE members that have recently graduated. This year there where around 400 participants from all over region 8 which is the biggest region of IEEE including Europe, Middle East and Africa. Therefore there was a variety of cultures present at the congress offering a very international experience.

The main mission of the congress was to offer a platform for exchanging knowledge and experiences between the young IEEE members. Therefore this congress was especially useful to exchange expertise about the best practices in running an IEEE student branch. During the five days of the congress there where many plenary sessions as well as a variety of workshops. The plenary sessions offered a diverse mix of academic and industrial speeches. They concentrated on the trends in research and technology as well as on the future of IEEE region 8. The workshops covered technological issues, career related issues, as well as problems typically faced in IEEE student branches. Some workshops where held by representatives of Nokia and Motorola giving insights about the latest technological developments. They were complemented by excursions to the respective companies allowing to get a more hands-on experience on the communication technology. Other workshops discussed issues related to organizing student branches and activities. Many workshops focused on career building and thus dealt with topics like idea development, entrepreneurship, and soft skill development.

Finally, also the leisure time had its place. The evening events and likewise the coffee and lunch breaks offered a unique platform for networking with the other participants.

Semester Ending BBQ

Finally the summer has come and the semester is almost over. To celebrate this accordingly, the student branch organizes a barbeque in cooperation with the ÖH.

It will take place on Friday, June 27 at 5 PM at the ÖH Wohnzimmer behind the Mensa building.

There will be a limited amount of free food and free drinks. To estimate the amount of food to order we would like you to sign up with our registration form:

We hope to see many of you there before you leave for the summer vacation.

[lightbox src=”images/articles/2014_bbq/bbq-01-small.jpg” width=”200″ height=”283″ lightbox=”on” border=”yes” title=”Semester Ending BBQ” align=”left”]