The IEEE Student Branch is glad to invite you for an introductive lesson about the functional programming paradigm.
Traditional programming languages like C, Java, C# are designed to follow the imperative paradigm. In the imperative world, programmers describe in detail the steps that the processor must follow to accomplish a certain goal.In the functional paradigm, the programmer formulates the problem in terms of functions to be executed.
The benefits of such paradigm is a fast code generation, easier maintenance, high parallelism, and free proofs of soundness and correctness of the algorithms.
Examples of successful applications includes the chat management of Facebook and Whatsapp. Also companies like T-Mobile, Qualcomm and Tesla Motors heavily use functional code in their programs.
Are you interested in learning why and how all these good things come in a programming language?
If you don’t have plans for the evening of April 6th, join us in I.1.12 from 17:00, we have a program for you 😉
Category: News
IEEEXtreme is a global challenge in which teams of three IEEE Student members compete in a 24-hour time span to solve a set of programming problems. The Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt and the IEEE Student Branch Klagenfurt will host 7 programming teams this year which will compete in IEEE Xtreme 2016 from October 22, 02:00 AM until October 23, 02:00 AM.
We wish all contestants a successful and exciting event!
Semester Opening Game Night 3. Mar
Dear Students and Colleagues,
the IEEE Student Branch Klagenfurt is opening the summer semester of 2016 with the traditional Game Night. Participants can play with modern game consoles such as Xbox, Playstation, and Wii, retro arcade game as well. As usual, beer and pizza will be provided. Moreover, we have a nice price for the best player of 1coin Metal Slug challenge 😉
Date: 18:00 on 3rd March, 2016
Location: Lakeside Labs (Lakeside Park B04b, 1st floor)
Please come and have fun with us!
For further information, please check our Facebook Event.
Successful Election of the New Executive Committee Members
We are happy to announce that our new executive board members have been successfully elected yesterday at the General Assembly.
The new board consists of
Philipp as Chair,
Venkata as Vice-Chair,
Pasquale as Treasurer,
Giacomo as Secretary,
Sai as PR,
Micha as Web-Officer,
Giovanni as Vice-Web-Officer, and
Prof. Wilfried Elmenreich as Counselor.
General Assembly and Elections
Drinks and snacks will be offered freely like always!
IEEE Christmas Party + Student Paper Contest Awarding

The IEEE Student Branch Klagenfurt celebrates the upcoming Christmas on 16.12.2015 at 18:00 in Lakeside Park B02a L2.0.A “Live-In Lab” with a little party. Come and join us for some snacks and drinks.
Also, there will be a little award ceremony where we announce the results of the Student Paper Contest 2015.
Robotics Week in the Press
We are happy to announce that apart from the numerous participants at the EU Robotics Week of Klagenfurt, various newspapers and TV/Radio channels were also interested in the event and in what the IEEE Student Branch does at TeWi – AAU. Below we are collecting our appearances in the press. Please visit our website frequently, the list will continuously grow!
Wettkampf der Roboter in Klagenfurt
“Eine Woche lang drehte sich im Lakeside Park in Klagenfurt alles um Roboter. Diese “European Robotics Week” wurde von der IEEE Student Branch organisiert. Und am Finaltag fand dann der Wettkampf der Roboter statt.”
“Erstmals nimmt die Klagenfurter Alpen-Adria-Uni heuer an der EU-Robotik-Woche teil. Ab morgen, Montag, werden Roboter und Drohnen auf dem Uni-Areal im Mittelpunkt stehen. Interessierte haben bis Freitag Zeit, sich über die Entwicklungen im Bereich Robotik zu informieren und neue Trends kennenzulernen.”
to be continued…
Advent Programming Challenge 2015
An Advent calendar is a special calendar used to count or celebrate the days in anticipation of Christmas. Advent calendars typically begin on December 1 and provide a window to open until December 24. Usually they have windows, which you can open each day containing some chocolate or other stuff. But what is better to kill some time until Christmas, Hanukkah, Yule, Kwanzaa, Diwali, Boxing Day, etc. than an Advent calendar giving you a programming problem every day?
The Advent Programming Contest, being organized by the IEEE Student Branch Klagenfurt will provide a new problem every day from December 1st to December 24th. You can submit solutions any day until the contest ends on December 26. You can choose to use C, C++, Java, Python or Perl as programming language. The programming tasks can be solved with short programs (typically less than 100 lines of code). Until a solution is correct you can submit your program as often as you want (but please don’t spam our server). The number of tries will not be a criterion for determining your score. The idea is to do it just for fun, but we will try to announce a winner after the contest is closed. The event is open to everyone. There are separate categories for pupils, university students and others. If you want to participate, please register at (Registration will be still possible after 1st December).
Student Paper Contest
Dear students,
The IEEE Student Branch is organizing a student paper contest.
Deadline is December 10 (hard). To participate, please send your paper (maximum 6 pages, two-column style) to
The contest is open to all students of this university, not only technical students. However, the paper topics need to be related to a technical content.
The best paper will be nominated for the IEEE Region 8 Student Paper Contest.
IEEE Region 8 Student Paper Contest is for IEEE R8 student members or graduate student members who have not yet started their PhD. Professors-mentors and other associates can not be SPC authors (but their names could be acknowledged in the FINAL versions of the papers). Each student author must be a member of an IEEE Student Branch at the time of the original submission of the paper to the Branch Contest, and a member (student or not) of the IEEE at the time of the R8 Oral Finals presentation. The work presented has to be completed before the student receives the engineering degree that entitles her/him to start preparing a doctoral thesis. The submission of the paper to the Region 8 SPC must be completed within 12 months after graduation. A doctoral thesis is not considered. Published work is excluded from the Contest.
IEEE goes to Claddagh – Pub Quiz Night
The IEEE Student Branch Klagenfurt is going to participate in the Pub Quiz at the Claddagh Irish pub. If you would like to participate, just show up in Claddagh and look for the IEEE sign 😉