Global Game Jam @ TU Graz

Vom 24. bis zum 26. Jänner 2014 findet wieder die jährlich stattfindende Global Game Jam an 475 unterschiedlichen Lokations in 72 Ländern weltweit statt. Heuer ist erstmals auch Graz mit einer eigenen Lokation mit dabei.

Die Tu-Graz stellt die Infrastruktur für die Veranstaltung zur Verfügung und Spraylight GmbH übernimmt ehrenamtlich die Organisation. Die Veranstaltung findet an der TU-Graz, Inffeldgasse 16b in den Hörsälen HSi11 und HSi12 statt.

Continue reading Global Game Jam @ TU Graz

General Assembly and Election

The terms of our officers come to an end. We will have our general assembly and elections on January 30th, 6pm in L4.1.01. If you are interested to volunteer for an office please do not hesitate to contact us or join us during the meeting. It is of great importance that many IEEE members of our Student Branch join to elect the officers. Only IEEE Student Branch members are eligible to vote.

IEEE Italy School of Career Boosting

The IEEE Italy Section, in cooperation with the Department of Industrial Engineering of the University of Trento (Italy), organizes the first edition of the IEEE Italy School of Career Boosting.  The School is aimed at providing to young graduates in Laurea Magistrale (Master degree) or Dottorato di Ricerca (Ph.D.) in technical or scientific fields a basic overview about modern approaches to organizational and people management. The School provides a great chance not only for learning new skills but also for networking and sharing experiences.

The IEEE Italy School of Career Boosting will be held at the University of Trento, from February 10 till February 14, 2014 and it will take place in the Polo Scientifico e Tecnologico “Fabio Ferrari”, via Sommarive 5, Trento (Italy).

A maximum of 30 participants will be admitted in the School, which will be activated if a minimum of 15 participants will be enrolled. More information can be obtained from the schools website.



Student Paper Contest Awards

We are proud to announce the winners of the first Student Paper Contest held by the IEEE Student Branch Klagenfurt. As one highlight of our Christmas Party on December 4th we awarded the winners of the contest. It was a close decision with very good papers submitted. In the end we could only award the best three papers. Instead of having a second and third place we decided to give away two second places due to the close race. The Student Paper Contest was support by the Förderverein Technische Fakultät who donated the price money.

Continue reading Student Paper Contest Awards

Christmas Party

Christmas is approaching fast and with it the end of the year. The IEEE Student Branch Klagenfurt kindly invites you to its Christmas Party on Wednesday, Dec. 04th starting at 4pm at the restaurant Tellerrand in the Lakeside Park Building 1.


The Student Branch proudly looks back on a busy, but successful year culminating in the “Most Active Student Branch” Award which we received from the IEEE Austria Section. Besides winning, we would like to hand out awards for the winners of our first Student Paper Contest and honor the excellent positions achieved by teams from our university during the IEEE Xtreme Programming Challenge 7.0. The winning paper of the Student Paper Contest will also be presented during the Christmas Party.

We are looking forward to seeing you there.

Klagenfurt Best in Austria

As it has become tradition at our university, the Alpen-Adria-Universität participated in the IEEE Xtreme Programming Competition 7.0 – this year co-organized by the IEEE Student Branch Klagenfurt. In total 1630 teams participated including five teams from Klagenfurt. Finally, the IEEE published the final results. The teams from Klagenfurt achieved excellent results. Watch the video to get some impressions of the programming feast.

Continue reading Klagenfurt Best in Austria

Advent Programming Contest 2013

An Advent calendar is a special calendar used to count or celebrate the days in anticipation of Christmas. Advent calendars typically begin on December 1 and provide a window to open until December 24. Usually they have windows, which you can open each day containing some chocolate or other stuff. But what is better to kill some time until Christmas, Hanukkah, Yule, Kwanzaa, Diwali, Boxing Day, etc. than an Advent calendar giving you a programming problem every day?

Continue reading Advent Programming Contest 2013

Scientific Series: Visualizing Data

Workshop Visualizing Data  Graphical representation of data is critical for exploration and explanation of our research results. In this talk we will discuss the principles of data visualisation and ways to achieve graphical excellence.

And the Winner is *** IEEE Student Branch Klagenfurt ***

Yes – that is true we recieved a prize!
At the General Assembly of the IEEE Austria Section in the “Technikum Wien” on the 24th of October it happened.
The Austria section awarded their most active Student Branch. From the five existing branches in Graz, Klagenfurt, Linz, Vienna and Wels the one with the most participants at all  the activities should get the price.
Activites in Graz, Vienna and Wels are minor while in IEEE students in Klagenfurt and Linz are really acitve and both submitted a comprehensive list of activities to the comity.
The comity managed to find a sollution for the related hard desicion problem: The student branches of AAU Klagenfurt and JKU Linz are both awarded the “Most active Student Branch” of the Austria Section and the prize got splitted.

Congratulation to all the SB members, especially the executives!
Thanks a lot for all the organizers and contributers of the events in the past year.
And thanks a lot for all participants of the SB activities.
We hope to see you soon at our upcoming activites. And we wish that the award gives further motivation for all of us to contribute to the SB programm even if we can not expect a Student Branch award next year.