IEEEXtreme 24-Hour Programming Competition

The registration for the IEEEXtreme 24-Hour Programming Competition is open.

Based on our success in previous years, we highly encourage students to participate.

If you would like to participate, please don’t forget to fill out our Local Registration Form.
We need this in order to estimate the amount of food and drinks needed at the event and we can also help you find a team in case you don’t have any yet.


Results and tasks from the past:

Hiking & GeoCaching Tour

We are going for a little hiking tour in the neighbourhood. We will also hide our own “IEEE GeoCache” on the way and register it on in order to make this modern and healthy game more popular among students.

The tour starts at 9:00 on 4th June, 2015.

Meeting point is at the main entrance of the university.

Please wear comfortable shoes and don’t forget your GPS devices!

Continue reading Hiking & GeoCaching Tour

Hiking & GeoCaching Tour

We are going for a little hiking tour in the neighbourhood. We will also hide our own “IEEE GeoCache” on the way and register it on in order to make this modern and healthy game more popular among students.

The tour starts at 9:00 on 4th June, 2015.

Meeting point is at the main entrance of the university.

Please wear comfortable shoes and don’t forget your GPS devices!

Continue reading Hiking & GeoCaching Tour

SageMath – Solve your tough math problems easily with open-source software

Our next event in frame of our Scientific Series will be a very useful talk given by Prof. Clemens Heuberger about SageMath which is a free open-source mathematics software system licensed under the GPL. It is a really handy tool for solving mathematical problems. Solving your math-related tasks will be child’s play after this talk 😉
Come and learn how to use it.

As usual, some snacks and drinks will be provided by the IEEE Student Branch Klagenfurt so you can have a relaxed discussion after the talk.

WHAT: Talk about SageMath

WHERE: Lakeside Park B04a L4.1.01 (Seminar Room)

WHEN: 5th May, 2015 @ 18:30

SageMath – Solve your tough math problems easily with open-source software

Our next event in frame of our Scientific Series will be a very useful talk given by Prof. Clemens Heuberger about SageMath which is a free open-source mathematics software system licensed under the GPL. It is a really handy tool for solving mathematical problems. Solving your math-related tasks will be child’s play after this talk 😉
Come and learn how to use it.

As usual, some snacks and drinks will be provided by the IEEE Student Branch Klagenfurt so you can have a relaxed discussion after the talk.

WHAT: Talk about SageMath

WHERE: Lakeside Park B04a L4.1.01 (Seminar Room)

WHEN: 5th May, 2015 @ 18:30

First IEEE Italy Section Summer School

Dear Students and Colleagues,

The IEEE Italy Section, in cooperation with the Dipartimento di Ingegneria of the University of Perugia, organizes the 1-th IEEE Italy Section Summer School: Advanced Course for Graduate Students and Industrial Researches

The School is mainly dedicated to graduated students  (Ph.D., Dottorato di Ricerca) in technical or scientific fields dealing  with the IEEE topics and related areas. Young  graduates (MSc, Laurea Magistrale) are also admitted.

The school consists of lectures by international experts coming from industry, academia and other research centres.

For more information, please visit

Scratch/Girls’ Day 2015

Der 9. Mai ist „Scratch Day 2015“! An der Universität Klagenfurt findet der weltweit durchgeführte „Scratch Day“ an der Fakultät für Technische Wissenschaften statt. In diesem Jahr kombinieren wir dieses Event mit dem Kärntner Girls´ Day und schaffen zusätzliche Angebote für Mädchen, um sie für Technik zu begeistern.
Wir laden alle Interessierten – Mädels und Jungs – im Alter von 6-99 Jahren dazu ein uns zu besuchen und sich an unseren zahlreichen Stationen auszutoben. Wenn du interessiert daran bist Roboter zu steuern, Computer auseinander zu nehmen oder ein Handy zu programmieren, dann solltest du dabei sein! Bei freiem Eintritt kannst du einen ganzen Vormittag lang die Welt der Technik erkunden – wir bitten aber vorab um Anmeldung.

9:00 Eröffnung
9:10 Einführung in Scratch (vor allem für die die Scratch noch nicht kennen)
10:00 Pause zum Kennenlernen
bis 11:30 Mitmachstationen
11:30 Abenteuergeschichten programmieren – zum Mitmachen
12:00 Preisverleihung und Abschluss

Bitte unter dem Link anmelden!

Alle Vorträge sind zum Mitmachen konzipiert. Rechner sind vorhanden aber limitiert. Es ist möglich seinen eigenen Laptop mitzubringen, die vorgestellten Systeme laufen auf Windows, Mac OS und Linux. WLAN ist vorhanden.


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