Klagenfurt meets Robots: EU Robotics Week at AAU Klagenfurt

The IEEE Student Branch organizes from 23 to 27 November, a networking event for all those who deal with robotics or look forward to do so.

Numerous research projects at the Alpen-Adria University, the Lakeside Science & Technology Park, in the Lakeside Labs GmbH and in the laboratories of Joanneum Research are dealing with robotics. IEEE Student Branch is now organizing a multi-day event, where different Robotics groups present their research and invite the audience to explore the fascinating development going on in their research labs. Part of the program also provides the computer science workshop at the Institute for Informatics Didactics, which is aimed at school pupils.

The workshop concludes on 27 November with a robotics competition: participants in 14 teams will build their own Lego robots and program them to solve the given task in the most efficient manner. The participants will be divided into the Junior League (under 18 years) and Senior League (over 18 years. The winners of the Junior League will eventually compete against the winners of the Senior League. The award ceremony will take place from 16:00 clock on Friday 27 of November.

If you would like to participate in the competition, please register here: http://goo.gl/forms/7FFqvuwKfN

Details of the program and team registration portal to follow shortly.

Robotics Competition: Assembling Lego Robots and problem solving for task completion
(Lakeside Park B01)
Informatik-Werkstatt for  School Kids by Institute for Informatics Didactics  (E.2.69)
Award and closing ceremony with snacks and drinks
(Lakeside Park B01)
Robotics @ Joanneum: Presentation
(B04, Lakeside Labs seminar Room)
Robotics @ Pervasive computing: Presentation(B04, Lakeside Labs seminar Room)
Robotics @ Control of Networked Systems: Presentation
(B04, Lakeside Labs seminar Room)
Robotics @ Mobile Systems: Presentation
(B04, Lakeside Labs seminar Room)
Robotics @ Joanneum: Open Lab
(Joanneum Research B08)
Robotics @ Pervasive Computing: Open Lab
(NES B02)
TED talks and discussion about Control of Networked Systems
(B04, Lakeside Labs seminar Room)
Robotics @ Mobile Systems: Open Lab
(NES B02)

GoProfessional – Coworking und die moderne Arbeitswelt

Our next event in the summer semester will be a talk about Coworking​ in frame of our GoProfessional series. Two coworkers will introduce you to this modern work style and the advantages over the traditional concepts. They will also share their own experience and tell you about all the details you need to know in case you want to start your first job as a coworker. Of course, you can ask them questions after the talk in a relaxed environment while having some drinks and snacks.

DATE: 24th March, 2015 @ 18:00

LOCATION: L4.1.01 (Seminar Room) Lakeside Park B04a

We hope to see you all.

Please check our Facebook Event for up-to-date information.

Excursion to CTR – the Carintian Tech Research

CTR is a research company in Villach that works in different technical fields

Our excursion is on Friday the 21th of November from 9 to 11 am.
The meeting time will be decided after registraion, expect to leave Klagenfurt around 8:00. We will be back around noon.

Who: The number of participatins is limited up to 20 persons in total. Student Branch Members are privileged.

How: We try to go with shared cars. In case we can not get enough we go by train. Cost will be covered by the Student Branch.

Our visit will contain a presentation about the company CTR and the human resource department.
Afterwards we visit the laboratories on photovoltaics, wireless sensors, laser, terahertz analyses for material science.

Find the registration form here.


GO Professional: Excursion to research company K-AI

K-AI is a research focused company in Villach with around 40 employees. The Student Branch is visiting it:

When: Tuesday the 17th of June from 15h to prox. 17h. Meeting time will be decided after registraion between 13:30 and 14:00

Who: The participants are limited to 12 persons in total. Registered Student Branch Members are privileged.

How: We try to go with shared cars. In case there are not enough we go by train.

Find the registration form here.

During the past years KAI has developed a solid basis of knowledge and research methodologies within the area of semiconductor technology and applications, focusing on the reliability of power semiconductors and electronic systems. It is today a well established research center with a broad national and also international network of industrial and academic partners.

Find more at https://www.k-ai.at/cms/


Visit to Infineon

The Alumni Service of the Klagenfurt University is organising a visit to Infineon in Villach. You will get insight on production and carreer possibilities at the sight  http://www.uni-klu.ac.at/alumni/inhalt/2507.htm

According the organizers english speakers are welcomed as well – you just need to be a student or alumni of the local university.
Meeting point is on Thuesday, 19th of November 2013 at 13:00 h at Infineon Technologies Austria AG, Siemensstraße 2, 9500 Villach.
If you are interested enrol quickly by sending a mail to alumni@aau.ac.at including your name, matriculation number and whether you need (prefer) an english tour. As interest is high the application deadline is shortened to 21th of October.

Please let us know how many IEEE SB members are joining and bring us fotos about the trip. Wink

LAM Research

The IEEE SB Klagenfurt visited LAM Research in Villach. LAM Research is a leader in manufacturing semiconductor processing equipment. In its Villach based lab and production plant the company researches and builds machines to clean wafers. For three hours the SB was able to take a look behind the doors and experience the machines in live.

LAM’s location in Villach was added to the portfolio having bought SEZ, a small startup from Bleiberg, Villach, in 2008. SEZ was specialized in producing cleaning equipment for the production of wafers. After a brief presentation about the history of LAM Research and its product portfolio, the SB got the chance to visit the training lab where customers and LAM employees are taught how to handle chemicals used during the wafer cleaning process. The participants learned about the cleaning process and the various steps which are required. You may get some impressions from looking at the picture gallery:


All pictures are the courtesy of Ádám Erdélyi. The excursion to LAM research was a big success. We are looking forward to more excursions to come.

CEuSBC Opole, Poland

This year CEuSBC was held in Opole, Poland on 13th to 15th March 2013. CEuSBC stands for IEEE Central European Student Branch Congress, which provides an international platform for IEEE student from all over the Europe and neighboring countries to help cherish their knowledge about future engineering challenges, develop new skills, and above all share their experiences as professionals in meeting the tough and ever growing industrial demands by envisioning the smart research perspectives beforehand. The tradition was laid by the IEEE student branch of Linz (Austria) couple of years back in 2011 when the first CEuSBC was held in Madrid (Spain) and turned out be a great success. This year, the hospitality was unto IEEE student branch Opole, Poland and has been dealt in its entirety.

This time, around 70 people participated from 21 different countries and the event lasted 3 days. On the first day of arrival, the participants were given the luxury to arrive one day earlier, Sunday 12th 2013, and had an informal chat session in a local club, it was nice. On the first day of the congress, there were presentations from the general and patronage coordinators about the role of IEEE in bridging the gaps between industry and academics. First session ended up around midday with a coffee break addressing the core corporate aspects of IEEE. During this entire session, I was a bit troubled and deviated from the track since I was caught in the dilemma of that coffee break because usually in west of Europe, midday is the lunch break, whereas coffees breaks are the lulus in-between.

Anyways, after the coffee break, the session started with presentations on IEEE student branch activities throughout the world. The first presentation was from Christian (IEEE student branch Linz, Austria) explaining the hierarchical furcations of IEEE and its forge in Europe, Middle East and Africa. Then, followed by the presentation from IEEE Day Ambassadors Coordinator, Miss Simay Akar, regarding the preparations of the annual event called “IEEE Day” which is to be held on 3rd of October this year. Then there was an interesting presentation on “Golden life after student life”, about how to keep the graduates still in loop of IEEE even after finishing their academic embarks. The day finally ended with a patronage presentation about how to arrange extracurricular activities, raise funds and post the activities on the IEEE vtools portal. Among the most applauded demonstrations, was the project initiated by the IEEE student branch of Portugal on making the entire education online. The project portray the idea that lectures could be recorded for a given piece of information usually as a 7 to 10 min video and then to be uploaded in the IEEE Academic portal to be seen/referred later on, and for that all the equipment will be provided by IEEE.

The second day started with IEEE SPEED competition where different student branches presented their experiences and work environments but the whole session was organized as a completion being who present/project him/herself in the most interactive and informative way. After that, the following sessions were organized as four interactive workshops; two being held on the same day while the other two on the following day. These workshops were specially targeted to IEEE student branches headed by lead and experienced speakers. The first workshop encompasses how to create new chapters in IEEE sections under a student branch. The second session was an interactive workshop about how to increase the interest of pre-university students in the field of Engineering, there, we had some hands-on practice lab where we were given some raw material like clips, brads, rubber bands tetra packs, i.e. and were asked to build a small robotic arm capable of lifting up a small disposable plastic glass. It was fun. Actually it appeared that this has been practiced by different university students in Portugal and England, of course volunteered by IEEE members, to help increase the interest of students in Engineering. Well, there are a lot of such engineering/mathematics and informatics workshops posted in several different places in IEEE R8 region (http://www.ieeer8.org/technical-activities/educational-activities/pre-university/puw-news/ist-portugal-tisp-report/) which I think can be pirated quite easily.

The last day was mainly a social event where the sponsors were the main addressers, so the talks were specific to company profiles but of course a nice know-how for the perspective job questers. Nevertheless the social gatherings during the coffee breaks and within the talks were rewarding. So to sum it up, I am of the view that such events should be arranged and encouraged and it appeared that this practice has been confirmed to be repeated after every 2nd year, and the hosts for the next CEuSBC are most likely going to be the IEEE student branch of Ljubljana, Slovenia, so maybe see you there then.